1. Financial Aid Office
  2. Applying for Aid

Applying for Aid

Once you are accepted to Lake Erie College and the Financial Aid office has received your FAFSA, we will determine your eligibility for the various forms of financial aid and send you a Financial Aid Notification.

Create a New FSA ID

FAFSA and FSA ID Tips and Common Mistakes

Submit your FAFSA

Students must apply for financial aid every year. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the application for federal, state, and institutional need-based aid.

What You Need to Complete your FAFSA 

View the steps below or visit the FAFSA: Filling Out the Form page.

  • Your Social Security Number

  • Your driver's license number (if you have one)

  • Your W-2 Forms

  • Your federal income tax return

  • Your current bank statements and records of stocks, bonds and other investments

  • Your records of other untaxed income received, such as Social Security, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), welfare or veterans benefits

  • Your business or farm records, if applicable

  • Your alien registration number, if you are not a U.S. citizen

  • If you are a dependent student, you will also need:

    • Your parent(s) social security number(s), birth date(s)

    • Your parent(s) income and financial records (as listed above)

Basic Eligibility for Federal Student Aid

Federal School Code: 003066

The Financial Aid Staff is here to help with your application process. Reach out to us at 440-375-7100 or email us at finaid@hitchedhike.com.